Sunday, June 7, 2020

Pros and Cons of Video Games

Pros and Cons of Video Games
Nowadays we see most of the kids and adults playing video games and it has become their day-to-day routine. However, it is parent's duty to have an eye on their kids while playing these kinds of games. It is true that any kind of game addictions are not that much bruising when it is compared to alcohol addiction and drug addiction but if parents did not keep an eye on kids then it can be a dreadful addiction because obviously an addiction is an addiction. New generations are addicted more to these types of games as television and today almost everyone are having personal computer in their homes. Therefore, kids are getting chance to play these games easily even though there are hundreds of other options available. When compared to television, these types of games are much more useful because there are hundred varieties of games available, which provides educational, adventurous, discursive and problem solving skills.
Its not only about the kids but also everyone are nowadays becoming addicted to these games and some are addicted to these so that they stop going to school or office and those who play these games even forget to eat properly. Today, the results of World Health Surveys are showing the reports that the range of obese people is multiplicating and somehow these indoor games and computer games are becoming a reason for this. Those who got the interest in video games should not realize that their health is getting in trouble through stop doing workouts and having many junk foods while playing with these games. Some are going that much addicted that they can't even think difference between the real life and game life. In most of the video games the hero will definitely do unbelievable things, which may be impracticable to do, but the illusion created through these games can badly affect someone's character.
These types of luring ones have many negative parts but also there are many positive parts though. The best part of the video games is when playing action and adventurous games. It increases the resistance to distraction, then it will be actually increasing the visual acuity and there are many interesting games like how to rescue a kid who is kidnapped by the kidnappers. Through these types, the social values are increasing. Much number of popular games available, which include puzzles, communicative games increases the logical and communicative skill to a greater extend. Through educational games, children can easily learn than through reading the books. There are both good sides and bad sides associated with video games. Therefore, how intelligently one uses these games really matters.


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